At Home In The Poconos

Tips to Prepare Your Home for a Winter Storm
CENTURY 21 Select Group 5 months ago

Depending on where you live, dangerously low temperatures and mounds of snow are par for the course during the winter. Not only can a winter storm impact our daily lives, it can also do a number on our homes.

While we can’t put a halt on the change of seasons, we can take the proper measures to ensure that our homes are prepared for whatever Old Man Winter has up his sleeve.

Pay attention to the roof over your headOne of the biggest concerns during a winter storm is the roof. In fact, snow can...
9 Hacks to Help Keep Your Home Warm This Winter
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 years ago

A cold winter breeze infiltrating your home can chill you to your core. However, by making a few simple and cost-effective changes around your house, you can stay warm and cozy all winter long.

Install a smart thermostat

Adding a smart thermostat can not only improve the comfort of your home but also lower your energy costs. Some smart thermostats enable you to adjust your heating based on the time of day, allowing you to set a warmer temperature when you wake up or when you arrive home from wo...
Get Rid of Basement Clutter for Good
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 years ago

Ah, the basement. You know, that place where everything is misplaced and/or haphazardly thrown around. There’s no longer any need to panic when thinking of organizing the mess downstairs, because believe it or not, there are easy ways to consolidate everything.

Simply take it day by day, and soon you will have a basement you’ll actually want to spend time in.



Declutter in small segmentsStep one to organizing any area of your home is to declutter. But when tackling your basement, this can...
Cold Weather Car Prep
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 years ago

When weather turns cold, it’s not just rough on us. Snow, ice, and cool air can all do a number on our cars, too.

Though you might not be able to stop Mother Nature from unleashing harsh weather this season, you can make sure you’ve done all that you can to make sure your car comes out of winter unscathed.

Look it overChannel the first time you ever saw your car, and do a thorough inspection to identify any cracks, dents, or other obvious signs of wear and tear that could worsen under severe...
Terri Ditty
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