At Home In The Poconos

Frequently Asked Home Decor Questions
CENTURY 21 Select Group 6 months ago

As home professionals, we're often asked questions about design, how to make improvements work and the resale value of decor ideas like kitchen renovations or bathroom updates. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions:

What is the best way to decorate a small room?

The key to small spaces is to make the size work. Don't overcrowd it with too much clutter. Use a rug to create floor boundaries, add plenty of lighting and use mirrors to reflect the light in the space.

How do I choose t...
Preventing Dust Buildup in Your Household Appliances
CENTURY 21 Select Group 7 months ago

Have you ever turned on one of your household appliances that hasn’t been used in a while and watched dust fly out of it? That’s a clear sign it’s time to bring out the dusters and blow some clean air through your home to eliminate dust buildup and tiny debris particles like pet dander.

Keeping your household appliances clean isn’t that hard when you follow a few basic steps:

Clean Your Home RoutinelyRunning a dust mop and wiping the smooth surfaces on your furniture can help get rid of accumul...
Expensive Mistakes to Avoid in Your Bathroom Remodel
CENTURY 21 Select Group 8 months ago

Are you thinking about remodeling your bathroom? Whether you plan to do it yourself or hire someone to complete the work for you, it can be wise to educate yourself about the most common mistakes so you can make an effort to avoid potential long-term headaches.

Here are some of the most expensive mistakes people commonly make as well as how you can take measures to avoid them:

Opting for DIY when a contractor is a better choice

When remodeling your bathroom, the odds of running into unexpected...
Homeowner Tip: Choosing Your Kitchen Appliances
CENTURY 21 Select Group 8 months ago

Kitchen appliances make your space function, but what happens if you need to replace them? How do you choose the best appliances for your kitchen? Here is a closer look at the major appliance purchases you might make and how to choose what you place in your kitchen.

Stove and oven

There are many options for stoves and ovens in your kitchen. Some designs split them as a wall oven or a cooktop, or you can get a combination range. If your home has natural gas, you can consider that option, though...
Decorating a Sunroom
CENTURY 21 Select Group 9 months ago

A sunroom is a wonderful space to enjoy the beauty of nature while still being protected from the elements. Maximizing this extra living space will be necessary for your comfort and enjoyment. Here are some tips on how to decorate a sunroom.

Choose comfortable furniture

Your sunroom should be a comfortable space to relax and enjoy the view. Choose comfortable furniture, such as plush sofas and chairs with soft cushions. Your room will be protected from the elements, so you don't have to select...
TikTok Trends and Home Decor
CENTURY 21 Select Group 9 months ago

TikTok has swept the nation. Short videos influence many top trends, including how we decorate our homes. If you want to know the top trends this video platform promotes, you’ve come to the right place. Here are a few TikTok trends you may want to consider for your new home.

DIY transparency TikTok personalities shed new light on what it takes to complete DIY home improvement projects. While networks like HGTV glorified the DIY lifestyle, TikTok is drawing back the curtains and giving homeowner...
Simple Summer Landscaping Tips for a Tidier Yard
CENTURY 21 Select Group 10 months ago

Is your yard looking wild? Overgrown? Unorganized? Below are five simple, low cost tips for keeping the space looking tidy.

Keep it trimmed. Trimming your grass regularly is an easy way to keep your yard looking loved. If you know you don’t have time for it, hire a professional or a neighborhood teen to stop by once a month and do it for you.

Add a few flower beds. Flower or shrub beds around the corner of your yard, encircling trees or alongside your house can create appealing symmetry. Choose...
Terri Ditty
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