6 Desk Stretches To Relieve Your 9–5 Pains


Staying fit should always be top priority, so exercising at work is a great way to stay active! Do these stretches to feel your best and prevent sore muscles while you get the job done.

neck rollNeck roll
Drop your chin down to your chest, and relax your shoulders. Do 3–5 rolls slowly in one direction, and then switch directions for the same amount.

wall pushupsWall push-ups
Stand at an arm’s length facing the wall. Keeping your feet planted and your hands on the wall, push yourself to and from the wall.

wrist rollWrist roll
Roll your wrists around in a circular motion. Roll clockwise 10 times, and then counterclockwise 10 times. Repeat every hour or so.

reach for the skyReach for the sky
With your arms above your head, interlock your fingers with your palms up. Extend your right hand higher, and then your left hand.

thigh stretchesThigh stretches
Sit on the right side of your chair, and pull your right ankle up toward the bottom of the seat. Then switch sides, lifting the left ankle.

wall sitsWall sits
Lean your back against a wall, and lower yourself into a sitting position. Keep your legs and knees together, and hold for 15–60 seconds.

Terri Ditty
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