Feng Shui Principles to Help Sell Your Home

There are buyers who follow feng shui principles when looking at homes here in the Poconos and the Greater Lake Ariel area, so keep these tips in mind to appeal to those folks.  I’ve heard that the use of feng shui can work for us or against us, even when we are not aware of their existence.  So in this case, let’s put on our best face, it couldn’t hurt…

Let’s start with the front door.  It is considered the “mouth of chi” (chi is the “life force” of all things) and one of the most powerful aspects of the entire property. Abundance, blessings, opportunities, and good fortune enter through the front door. Of course it is also the first impression buyers have of how well the sellers have taken care of the rest of the property.  You’ll  need to make  sure the area around the front door is always clean, free of cobwebs and clutter.  Even pay attention to lighting.  If you can, light the path leading up to the front door. This will help create an inviting atmosphere.


Let’s move on to the windows.  Since the windows are considered to be the eyes of the home, it is really important to keep the windows clean.  This may mean hiring a professional window cleaner to get to those cathedral windows.  Aside from the Feng Shui  improvements clean windows make, I can tell you from experience that  when a buyer sees dirty windows, they start thinking about how on earth do we keep those clean… Just get it done, your home will sparkle and ensure that the view will be optimally displayed.  It is a small investment, but will make a huge difference in the way your home is remembered.


The master bed should be in a place of honor, power, and protection. The best placement is farthest from and facing toward the entryway of the room.  If you are able to place the bed diagonally in the farthest corner., that is supposed to be the best!   It is suggested that painting the room in soft tones of green, blue and lavender promote  serenity, relaxation, and romance..and who couldn’t use more of that!

Since the dining room symbolizes the energy and power of family togetherness, make sure the table is clear and uncluttered during showings.   If you have an attractive tablecloth, use it to enhance the look of the table.  It will  also soften sharp corners …..a feng shui staple.

Okay, here’s something very interesting, and at no cost! Chi energy can be flushed away wherever there are drains in the home., Simply, always keep the toilet seats down and close the doors to bathrooms.  This keeps the good forces of a home in. Now that was easy!


Hope you found this helpful…Check out our website for more real estate marketing tips! 

Terri Ditty
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