At Home In The Poconos

Save Each Month with These Smart Strategies
CENTURY 21 Select Group 1 year ago

Saving money can be difficult, even when you stick to a budget. It’s easy to feel like you’re not getting anywhere. You wish you could save more, but where do you start?


At home. Implement these simple strategies around your home to cut consumption and increase your funds every month.




Lower utilitiesUtility bills are a monthly expense every homeowner or renter has to deal with. But the cost is not fixed. If you use less water and electricity, you spend less of your hard-earned money....
Tips for Using Credit Cards Wisely
CENTURY 21 Select Group 1 year ago

“Sure, just charge it to my credit card.” It’s a phrase we say at stores and restaurants from time to time, especially when we’re making unplanned or big purchases. Credit cards are convenient and common among most adults, but unless you use one carefully, you could find yourself in financial trouble. Here are some tips to help ensure you use credit cards wisely:

Charge ResponsiblyCredit cards and frivolous spending can be a recipe for financial disaster; too many impulse buys could add up quic...
How to Balance Saving for Retirement and Saving for Your Kids' College Education
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 years ago

Many people are on a tight budget and don’t save as much as they should for retirement. If you have children and you want to save for their education, things can get even trickier. Here are some tips to help you prioritize and accumulate enough savings.

Make Logical DecisionsYou have likely heard stories about recent college graduates who are overwhelmed with student loan debt and don’t want your own kids to wind up in the same boat. That’s completely understandable, but don’t let those feeling...
Why You Should Automate Your Savings
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 years ago

Whether you want to save for retirement, your children’s college education, a house purchase or a dream vacation, you’ll need dedication and time. For many people, the temptation to spend money on things they want or need now, or the belief that saving a large sum of money is too difficult or impossible, keeps them from reaching their goals. Automatically transferring funds to separate accounts for long-term priorities can make saving easier.

Why Saving Automatically WorksMany people find that...
Terri Ditty
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