At Home In The Poconos

Create Your Own French Country Kitchen
CENTURY 21 Select Group 5 months ago

French country is a traditional design style that delightfully blends continental European sensibilities with rustic country charm. A French country kitchen can be perfect for anyone seeking the effortless yet refined look of this style. Here are some ways to incorporate French country design into your kitchen:


Choose warm, earthy colors, such as cream, beige, off-white or light yellow, for your walls and cabinets. You can also add some splashes of color with accents like curtains, dishw...
Maximalism: More is More
CENTURY 21 Select Group 6 months ago

Maximalism is an interior design and decorating style that embraces bold and eclectic aesthetics. It is the opposite of minimalism, which focuses on simplicity and reducing excess. Maximalism creates vibrant, lively and pleasingly unexpected personal spaces, emphasizing the mixture and layering of textures, patterns, colors and materials. Here are some design tips to consider when creating your maximalist home.

Stay bold

In a maximalist space, you'll often find an abundance of art, accessories...
Frequently Asked Home Decor Questions
CENTURY 21 Select Group 7 months ago

As home professionals, we're often asked questions about design, how to make improvements work and the resale value of decor ideas like kitchen renovations or bathroom updates. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions:

What is the best way to decorate a small room?

The key to small spaces is to make the size work. Don't overcrowd it with too much clutter. Use a rug to create floor boundaries, add plenty of lighting and use mirrors to reflect the light in the space.

How do I choose t...
The Art of Hanging Artwork
CENTURY 21 Select Group 1 year ago

Hanging artwork is an art—literally. Too high, and the room feels off balance. Too low, and, well…you get the idea.

One of the most common mistakes homeowners make, according to Apartment Therapy’s Eleanor Büsing, is hanging pieces at the wrong level. To help you spruce up your place with properly placed artwork, Büsing offers the following tips:

Establish eye level. Eye level in most houses is approximately 57 to 60 inches from the floor. All artwork, regardless of orientation, should be hung...
Home Design Trends to Try in 2022
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 years ago

As soon as a new year begins, it feels like everyone is jumping to adopt a new home design trend. In the past decade, trends like Millennial pink and terrazzo were pushed by online influencers and adopted by homeowners, only to fade out of favor.

But we’re wiser now, right? The truth is, every year brings a handful of design fads but also innovative ideas that are sure to stick around for a while. So let’s look at what’s new for 2022 and how you can make the best use of these predicted trends i...
Fall is Around the Corner! Decorate with These Fall Color Schemes
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 years ago


Want to switch up your interior space for the fall? Consider adding a touch of color with these autumnal schemes.




Earth-toned living 

Varying shades of earth-toned pieces can elevate your interior without requiring you to make drastic changes. An easy way to do this is by incorporating outdoor elements like decorative leaves and branches.



Cobalt blue and red

Red may seem like an obvious fall color choice, so try pairing it with cobalt blue for an extra pop of bright color. Thin...
Terri Ditty
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